Spider Web, Rain, Spider, Nature, Spiritual, Earth

Angel Sabathiel

This article is about our beloved angel Sabathiel. This angel is one who represents spiders. A very powerful angel, but not in archangel them self… this beloved messenger brings forth tidings of upset vibrations that need to be cleared or looked at.

Mostly, messages will come in a positive way. Perhaps maybe you are out and about, and you start to think of someone randomly, who has caused some stress in your life. You don’t feel badly about it, but you are just reflecting on it. This is helping you to gain the message from your interactions and your connection with them, but also that you do need to clear out your tie.

Usually, most people do not look at the lesson is that the people around them Britain. They merely just associate the relationship with them from the emotional connection, only. However, there is much wisdom to be gained in every person that you meet. But when your time with them is done, you have to move on. And you cannot allow your interactions with them to have gone in vain. Even enemies have great significance.

Angel Sabathiel is the angel of reflective work upon those who are in your relative consciousness. That includes family, friends, peers, associates, teachers, coworkers, and even your enemies too. In this, you will find that it works just like a spider’s web. Usually in a web there is either a matriarch or patriarch. That means that there is a mother or father spider who has created the web or the collective. This could be your self or the leader of your family, school, your boss, or even the person that has introduced you to negative people have become enemies, interweaving you into their connection friends. And so on. So let’s say everybody is in the web together. Obviously, you have connections into the matrix all around you, connections to your family collective, and everything I’ve mentioned above. There are many networks! So let’s say that you and those around you are the insects that get caught in the web. be in the web for positive intentions or negative. The web may have been created for positive intentions or negative. Nevertheless, there interconnecting lines in it. These are called soul ties.

There are others who are closer to some than others on that line in the web, but even the there’s who are at a distance, matter. So let’s say you were there just peacefully hanging out on your line in the web minding your own business. Then all of a sudden somebody comes and lands on that line or was already there, but they have a ton of bad karma that’s now starting to shake things up a bit. You may not even know it, but you’re both sharing the same line so it does affect you. Imagine that the line starts to get so shaky but now everybody on it including yourself, can’t really hang onto much anymore. The vibrations are too intense. Like two men walking a tight rope, if the other guy at the other end started jumping around, the other person on the other end of the tight rope is going to fall off. It works the same way in the greater web, of everyone that you are connected to around you. Any upset vibrations in that entire day, are going to affect everybody altogether. The web it’s self will collect the energy accordingly, just like any other web. When dew is outside, dew collects all over the web.

Sabathiel is the angel over those who are keeping the webs. On either side of the spectrum, it’s why he has been known as a fallen angel and also as a good one, to many different people. Truth he is nearly known as a Malakim. It is a species of Angel, who is off the neutral. They’re in the middle of both sides of the fence. This angelic soul, rules over the spiders who are leaving the webs so to speak. Anybody who has created a collective of people through friendship, and also family, is considered to be the spider so to speak. Usually that will be the strongest person that everybody goes to for help, advice, and to know what to do. Spiders often sit back and just observe what’s going on in the web until they know the exact moment to creep in silently and take action. it truly depends upon whether that spider intends on eating whoever’s on the web or not LOL. Let’s just pretend for a minute that there is no eating here LOL.

Where the sake of the example let’s say this is a vegetarian spider, who just wants to keep everybody in the web safely. Everybody on the web means everything to them. This is a collective of everybody that has ever meant anything to this individual. However, if there somebody in the web upsetting it, either they’re going to shake things up so much that they in the nearest person to them, fall off. Or the spider needs to go and throw one of them self. Because eventually the vibrations are going to travel through the web and upset everybody on it no matter their distance in it. Although, the vibration won’t be as strong as it travels through the Web itself. Vibrations tend to slow down the further out they go from the source. But, it will still have some affect on everyone. That’s why some people who are closest others experience what the person is going through directly with them, while others may just empathically receive it. This is why sometimes you may randomly think of somebody and come to find out that they were having a hard time. For awhile, you may be having some bad luck not knowing that it was because of the other persons bad luck. The point is, this angel is responsible for looking out for everyone to make sure the vibrations don’t hurt anybody or cause issues. They protect and nurture those with them but, of course this could be used as a negative as well, if the spider is weaving the web for their own narcissistic intentions.

We will leave that for another time. Sabathiel rules spiders and vibrations, as well as the lines or ties that bind. As a messenger in this area and field, he tries to provide warnings to others, that may be getting ready to feel some intense vibrations from something happening with in the collective. Don’t forget that the heavens are also a collective to in the connections of the Celestial bodies.

This angel connects to the number eight, and even though we already have a ruler over this number, he works within that Legion. Therefore, everyone in that legion will also represent this value, for the leader who exists to exercise it. Eight is an equalizer. This means that the number it’s Self actually represents being balanced but if someone tips a little bit to one side or the other in the yin yang, then it’s got the power to either create or destroy.

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